The Internet of Things may be the biggest investing opportunity in our lifetimes. Investors watching these developing technologies need to keep an eye on Texas Instruments (TXN -1.79%).
Texas Instruments is a $51 billion semiconductor giant that serves a wide variety of industries. And therein lies its strength: The Internet of Things will affect a vast number of industries, and TI can have a product for virtually any IoTproduct.
I was able to meet with Texas Instruments representatives at the huge International CES earlier this year in Las Vegas. Kent Novak, senior vice president of DLP Products at TI, walked me through several of his company's products.
In this video, I speak with Novak about Texas Instruments' position in the competitive landscape. As the biggest broad-base semiconductor company in the world, Novak says, Texas Instruments holds a big advantage via the breadth of both its portfolio and its existing customer base.
The best way to invest in the Internet of Things
Texas Instruments' efforts are just the beginning of the huge Internet of Things trend. David Gardner -- whose Motley Fool Stock Advisor recommendations have beaten the S&P 500 by a large margin -- has already picked one possible winner in this trend, and is looking at many others. Right now, you can try the service free for 30 days, giving you full access to every stock pick -- including two brand new recommendations just released on Friday. Click here for more information.