Overall, it was a quiet week for the market, as it barely budged. However, several energy stocks ran out of gas as shares of Quicksilver Resources (NYSE: KWK), Phillips 66 Partners (PSXP), and Ultra Petroleum (UPL) all took a plunge this week.
While share prices of these stocks all took rather large plunges, the news that caused the dives wasn't all that big. In fact, Quicksilver Resources' big plunge was fueled largely by rumors. Meanwhile, the only company that delivered real news was Ultra Petroleum; however, that news wasn't as big as investors made it out to be.
To better understand why these stocks were crushed by the market this week, I created the following slideshow presentation. It takes a closer look at what caused the crushing blows to Quicksilver Resources, Phillips 66 Partners, and Ultra Petroleum, and it points out which stock is likely to recover the quickest from its dive.