While consumers may not be charging as much on their credit cards today as they did before the financial crisis, Visa (V -0.19%) continues to rake in the dough. Over the last 12 months, it earned $14 billion in revenue, ranking 176th among S&P 500 companies. What does the 57-year-old company do with all this money? The slideshow below provides an answer.
Viewers of the slideshow will learn two interesting points, among other things, from scrolling through it:
- First, Visa has incredibly wide profit margins. Its operating margin over the past 12 months was 65%. That's 3.8 times wider than the typical large cap stock.
- Second, since going public in 2008, Visa's shares have outperformed the S&P 500 by approximately 400 percentage points.
What else can investors learn about Visa from an analysis of its revenue flows? Scroll through the brief slideshow below to find out.