I never thought getting old was fun (I'm over 50).
"Over the hill!"
"Past your prime!"
Those were phrases I used to think about all the time. But that all changed on May 2nd of this year.
Suddenly, the fog had been lifted. Within a few hours, my outlook had completely changed.
You see, I had just been in the same room as another "senior citizen" who had made 100 times his money after he blew out the candles on his 50th birthday cake.
You may have heard of him. His name is Warren Buffett -- the billionaire investor. That's right, Buffett had less than 1% of his current fortune at the time he turned 50!
So you can imagine how excited I was to find myself in the same room as Warren Buffett himself in early May 2015.
Buffett fielded questions from those in the room for nearly 6 hours!
The catch was: I wasn't allowed to record any of it. No audio. No video.
I tried to write down every single word Buffett uttered. Over 10,000 words! My hand ached.
But boy was I glad I did! Buffett shared his master strategies that older Americans can use to build wealth later in life. Even if they need to catch up. And even if Wall Street gets clobbered again.
This was one of the most important things that ever happened to me. That's why I want to share those strategies and tips with you today -- so you can learn exactly how Buffett made 100 times his money later in life.
I've gathered everything I discovered from Buffett, distilled it down to 11 simple steps, and put it in the exclusive, free report you can find below.
It's free to you.
Please don't delay. Click here to access your free report now.