Telehealth giant Teladoc (TDOC 0.86%) has seen its shares dip considerably in recent months, but the business is stronger than ever. In this segment of Backstage Pass, recorded on Jan. 12, Fool contributor Rachel Warren responds to a member's question about the company and one of its most well-known competitors, Amwell (AMWL 1.82%).
10 stocks we like better than Teladoc Health
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Rachel Warren: Vihaan, he said, "Rachel, you're a big fan of Teladoc." Yes, I am. I've made that pretty clear, I guess. "Mid-cap. What are your thoughts on small cap like Amwell, that's in the same market? Why would you add to Teladoc versus other small caps in the same space?"
I mean, there's definitely a big difference in size between the two companies. Teladoc's I think on a current market cap of about $13.1 billion versus Amwell at about $1.2 billion.
I personally have just been more impressed with the direction of Teladoc's business. I guess you could say growth might be potentially slower because Teladoc has already captured such a tremendous share of the market.
But what it's shown, at least in its recent quarterly reports quarter after quarter, is that it is really continuing to expand and retain its customer base, despite new entrants in the space.
And just the diversity of its business structure and all the different types of healthcare services one can glean through there.
Amwell, I haven't followed the company super closely. I just personally have been more intrigued by Teladoc, where it's going, and just the overall size of the market that it captures.
I think of the two, Teladoc is the stronger investment for my portfolio.