Comic book publishers need to stop relaunching major characters, Fool contributor Tim Beyers says in the following video.

The latest to indulge in "reboot syndrome," as Tim calls it? Marvel, which is relaunching Wolverine, the tough-as-nails mutant Hugh Jackman has given life to in six X-Men films. Writer Paul Cornell and artist Ryan Stegman will emphasize the "not very nice" elements of the character in the book, which is due in stores in February.

Tim says the relaunch is one of the many gimmicks plaguing the comic book industry in the wake of Time Warner's (TWX) successful reboot of the entire DC Comics Universe in 2011. Walt Disney (DIS 0.26%), meanwhile, is enjoying unprecedented box office success for its Marvel films. Thor: The Dark World has already earned more than $500 million worldwide, Box Office Mojo reports, besting its predecessor and laying the foundations for a successful franchise.

Reboots and gimmicks could make it harder for Hollywood to surface the next great franchise, if only because the publishers aren't giving creators the time and space to develop characters before rebooting them. That's a problem investors should take note of, Tim says.

Do you agree? Or are you enjoying Marvel and DC's various reboots? Please watch the video to get Tim's full take and then leave a comment to let us know what you think.