Four more companies check-in with investors with quarterly earnings. Join Motley Fool analysts Matt Koppenheffer and David Hanson as they discuss the recent market sell-off, choose between Fannie Mae and J.C. Penney, and take a question from their mailbag on buying a bank.
The market is panicking, but savvy investors are getting greedy
It's no secret that investors tend to be impatient with the market, but the best investment strategy is to buy shares in solid businesses and keep them for the long term. In the special free report "3 Stocks That Will Help You Retire Rich," The Motley Fool shares investment ideas and strategies that could help you build wealth for years to come. Click here to grab your free copy today.
Next week: its the 100th episode of Where the Money Is! Tell us why you love the show & most creative response wins a exclusive WtMI jacket!
— MotleyFoolFinancials (@TMFFinancials) January 28, 2014