On Wednesday's MarketFoolery, host Chris Hill and Motley Fool One analyst Jason Moser, discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly in a possible Fox/Timer Warner merger.
Rupert Murdoch and his colleagues at Twenty-First Century Fox (FOX) have made an $80 billion bid for Timer Warner (TWX), and as Chris notes, the bid was rejected. Reports, however, say that Murdoch is determined. Chris wants to know what's going on here, as he remembers how "wonderfully" the AOL and Time Warner merger worked out.
Jason says that on the surface a merger might look phenomenal, but he can't see it working out well, largely because they're led by completely opposite management types. Then Jason and Chris discuss market share and what investors may want to focus on. Disney, for one, may wish this deal dead. Overall, Jason thinks the companies work better separately.