With 2019 now in full swing, it's a great time to be searching for jobs and exploring different opportunities. And ideally, that'll mean going on lots of interviews.

Now, you're surely aware that as part of the interview process, you'll be asked a number of questions about your work experience, skills, and goals. But at some point during each conversation, you'll most likely also be asked to come up with questions of your own. And that's where a lot of job candidates find themselves stumped. Rather than let that happen, go in prepared with a list of insightful questions that show you've put thought into the role at hand. Here are a few you can start with.

Woman smiling and shaking hands with man sitting across from her


1. How has the company evolved over the past few years?

Generally speaking, it's best to work for a company that's been showing signs of growth. And a good way to figure out whether the employer you're applying to falls into that category is to see how it's changed over the past few years. Ideally, your interviewer will give you insight as to how the company has progressed and developed its staff and product or service line. As a follow-up question, you might also ask how the company has adapted to recent challenges to get a sense of how it operates. Not only are these thoughtful questions, but they're ones whose answers will inform your decision of whether to accept a job offer if you get one.

2. What has your experience been like working for this company?

Asking your interviewer about his or her personal experience working for the company you're applying to is a good way to gain insight as to what your own experience might entail. It also shows that you're taking an interest in your interviewer, and that you value his or her opinion.

3. What's the company culture like?

You want to enjoy going to work, and a company whose culture promotes a pleasant environment is generally one worth pursuing. It's always smart to ask about company culture during an interview because it can give you great insight into what your days might be like. Ask how the typical day goes for the average employee, and what steps the company takes to foster collaboration and teamwork. Along these lines, don't hesitate to ask whether employees generally manage to maintain a decent work-life balance. While the answer might vary on a case-by-case basis, you should try to get a general sense of whether employees get enough personal time or are pushed too hard to always be available for work purposes.

4. What made the last person who filled this role successful?

Assuming you're not the first person to land the position at hand, it pays to ask what made the previous employee good at what he or she did. Was that person a strong project manager? Was he or she a risk-taker? Asking this question shows you're invested in being successful yourself.

The last thing you want to do during a job interview is come off as apathetic or unprepared. Before you sit down to meet with a prospective employer, jot down some important questions to ask in advance, or use the ones we've discussed here. Not only will it make you look good, but the answers you get could also drive you to either bow out of the application process or say yes if an offer comes your way.