Deciding when to take Social Security is a tough decision, with plenty of factors affecting your decision. But being scared of the future of Social Security isn't a good reason on which to base your decision.

In this installment of our Social Security Q&A series, Dan Caplinger, The Motley Fool's director of investment planning, answers a question from Rus, who notes that he intends to wait until age 70 to take benefits but worries that with the government warning that benefits could be cut by almost 25% after 2033, he's gambling that Social Security will remain viable. Dan notes that there are no guarantees about the Social Security program, with automatic cuts taking place if lawmakers make no changes before then. But Dan points out that given the political power that older Americans have, there's every reason to believe that the program won't run out of money, making it important to consider your own financial matters in deciding whether to take benefits earlier or later.

Have general questions about Social Security? Email them to [email protected], and they might be the subject of a future video!