Motley Fool analyst Yasser El-Shimy and Motley Fool contributor Brian Stoffel play The Market Cap Game Show.
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This video was recorded on June 22, 2022.
David Gardner: A lot of people, when they first think about stocks, tend to lock in on the share price. Maybe this was you or maybe this is a friend of yours. They'll say, "Well, Alphabet, it's $2,235 a share, that's expensive." By contrast, the same mentality when looking at penny stocks can get a lot more excited. Some penny stock they're seeing promoted by someone, perhaps some near do well and they'll say, "Wow, the stock is at 22 cents, not $2,200 like Alphabet." 22 cents. They will think that's the one to buy, the one at 22 cents because if it just reaches a dollar, you quadruple your money. Well, from the earliest days of the Motley Fool, we've tried to get people focused not on the price per share of the company, but rather on the market cap of the company. The price per share of a stock tells you almost nothing. It's the price to buy one share of the stock.
But how many shares does the company have outstanding? Well, in math, we multiply two multiplicands together, but the price per share is only one multiplicand. If you don't know the other one, you can't do any meaningful math or figure out much of the world around you. Fools with a capital F know that you need to know the shares outstanding, and then multiply that by the price per share, and now you know the actual full value of the company, its full price tag, its market capitalization market cap. Well, to teach this lesson inexorably and unforgettable, we invented a game, that's what I do. The date was August 9th, 2017 and we've been playing every quarter since, you're planning too. You know this. You've been playing along all the way through I hope, and it's that time of the year. Again, that time of the quarter, 10 new stocks, two guest stars, both returning champions. Three guest stars actually, because you're playing along too, only on this week's Rule Breaker Investing.
Welcome back to Rule Breaker Investing. It is a June of five Wednesdays, and since this podcast comes out approximately 4:00 PM Eastern Time, every Wednesday as it has since July of 2015 when we get five Wednesdays in a month, that's a big month. I hope you've been enjoying. We did a Blast From The Past to start June, Company Culture Tips and Reviewapalooza looking at three disappointing June samplers last week with Asit Sharma, Nick Sciple, and Alicia Alfiere. Well, I've got two more Fool guest stars joining me this week. It's the Market Cap Game Show and the champion of the last one, one quarter ago and of the one before that, two quarters ago right around Christmas, they're both here and getting ready to face the onslaught of 10 randomized stocks pulled from the Motley Fool universe, I call it the Fool 500. These are 500 companies in our screener database that are the highest-ranking, combining our interest in them as analysts, with your interest in them, the clicks that you give as members. That's a very informal Fool 500. There's no mutual fund tied to this or anything like that. Although, I should mention that this database is used in lots of different ways by our business.
All I really do is just randomize some numbers from 1-500 and do a little bit of due diligence. Sometimes I pick the stock, sometimes I know nothing about it myself. That's certainly true of my guests as well who come in from their soundproofed chambers and their internet-free screens, having no idea what company we're going to talk about or what the market cap is although since they're both pretty smart, sometimes they do have some idea of what the market cap is and your pretty smart too. I hope you get smarter, happier, and richer every week listening to Rule Breaker Investing, that's kind of the point. This is an opportunity to pull your smart boots on. That's right, those boots that make you smarter. Bootstrapping it as a fellow player because the Market Cap Game Show, as has been the case since summer of 2017, so it's about five years old at this point, it's your opportunity to compete right along with them. I'll be asking each of my guests for the 10 stocks, what's the range of the market cap that you estimate for that stock? Then I'll turn to the other guests contestants as Kim, is your friend right or wrong inside that range or outside that range? While I asked that question of my guests contestant, I'm asking it of you as well so you're able to play right along with us and you can even outscore my guest stars, which probably happens from time to time, maybe every quarter.
I think at the top I explained market cap, really just the price tag of companies. It's more complicated than that because companies that have large amounts of debt or cash on their balance sheet, that creates an enterprise value, which is the actual value of the company. But it's a lot simpler for most of us and pretty accurate most of the time just to look at how many shares outstanding for that company and what its price per share is and do the simple multiplication I talked about, and find the market cap, which is a much more important number. It's really the real value of the company. I think so many new investors tend to look at our price per share of a stock and think bigger means bigger and smaller means smaller, and by no means, is that the case? Many times it's not the case at all. It's really important, I think, for us to know the market caps. Of course in 2022 the market caps, they are a bit lower than I remember at the start of this very difficult year for investors [MUSIC] Well, I say without further ado, let's yet the June 2022 edition of the Market Cap Game Show starting. Well our guests contestants, yeah, they each won the previous Market Cap Game Show or the one before that. I'd like first to introduce Yasser El-Shimy. [MUSIC] Yasser, welcome back, our returning champion for March 2022. Yasser happy summer.
Yasser El-Shimy: Thank you, David. Thanks for having me back and I don't want to get used to that word champion.
David Gardner: [LAUGHTER] You don't?
Yasser El-Shimy: I don't think so. I feel it was beginners like last time and I'm about to be found out on this episode.
David Gardner: Well, I think that we're all part of the reason I only MC the game, I don't play this because I like to hide behind the idea that I'm real expert and people think I'm authoritative in all things and so as the MC, I can always appear that way as Alex Trebek and others have demonstrated over the course of decades. So thank you for being brave enough to be on that side of the transom. Yasser, could you give a couple of sentences about what you're doing at the Fool these days and maybe a Summer Street or pleasure that not enough people recognize or appreciate.
Yasser El-Shimy: Sure. At the fall I just continue the endless quest to find that next great company. I usually gravitate toward younger, smaller sized companies with really innovative technologies that I feel can contribute meaningfully to the economy and to society at large and have a strong chance of generating strong returns over a long time period.
David Gardner: That sounds good to me, I'm sure that sounds good to every listener.
Yasser El-Shimy: Exactly. We've been doing a lot of that at the Motley Fool. I've been involved in a few services including Trend Spotter and Showdown, and Next-Gen Supercycle. That's my work at the Fool. In terms of summer thrill, an underrated one to be sure, I would say that playing Backgammon on the beach is underrated. I cannot recommend that enough to people.
David Gardner: I love board games and I love the beach. I don't often mix one with the other, but you're right, Yasser. The wind sometimes is right out there on the coast, so it can be hard but chunkier bits.
Yasser El-Shimy: Yeah.
David Gardner: Like marble pieces and heavy dice.
Yasser El-Shimy: I have the real deal sets with the marble dice and everything and it's beautiful.
David Gardner: Do you feel like you play Backgammon better when you're at the beach?
Yasser El-Shimy: I think I do. The reason is because I'm more relaxed and so I'm able to just completely let go of any other worries or concerns and just completely give myself to the game.
David Gardner: Roll those XX's. Well, thank you, Yasser, looking forward to your participation this week and now let me introduce our other guest star. It's Brian Stoffel. Brian, in the Battle of the Brians December 2021, two market cap gameshows ago. As I recall, you and our friend Brian Feroldi, each scored five points, but we had a pre-existing tiebreaker that you won. So Brian Stoffel, welcome back as a returning champion.
Brian Stoffel: Thank you and since the previous one was against Brian Feroldi, I will accept the title of Champion. If only because we had many tiebreaker shows like that on Motley Fool Live that I lost. [laughs]
David Gardner: We had another Battle of the Brians before that where I think you both tied again. You have a remarkable ability to score five points in the 10 point Market Cap Game Show contest. Brian, delight to have you. What are you doing around the Fool these days? What's an underrated summer thrill?
Brian Stoffel: Around the Fool, everything pretty much goes into two buckets. The first bucket is Motley Fool Live where I am on the Mindset Show, Brian Feroldi, who we just mentioned and I, we have a stocks from scratch show that we do. Then I'm also in the Morning Show. Then I also help with the monthly write-ups for the Stock Advisor recommendation. Now when it comes to underappreciated thing, it's funny because David, you just mentioned the wind being something that can make things harder. My underappreciated thing is the wind because at least where I am, the mosquitoes can be terrible [laughs] during the summer, except if the wind is out. I'm a big fan of summer breezes because it means that I'm not going to be scratching my ankles for the next couple of months.
David Gardner: Are you describing Wisconsin Lakes? Is that one I'm hearing?
Brian Stoffel: That is correct.
David Gardner: Of course, mosquitoes are a lot more universal than that. But boy, do I hear you, Brian, I've been feeling them here on the coast in North Carolina. Well, thank you both for joining us for this summer edition. It is June 2022. I'd say without further ado, let's get started with company Number 1. Yeah, so let me turn to you first and I'm thinking about companies that manage multiple brands. Companies that manage multiple brands, who does it well or poorly in your mind, given me an exemplar.
Yasser El-Shimy: One company that immediately comes to mind would be Procter & Gamble, with the Tide brand and Cascade and other household essentials, if you will.
David Gardner: How about retail operations that have more than one type of store under a different name?
Yasser El-Shimy: That's an interesting question.
David Gardner: They're the Clothiers, I sometimes think back to Gap stores which also had Old Navy. That's not the company we're talking about now, but I think it's not uncommon in retail to be owning multiple brands.
Yasser El-Shimy: No that's true. The Gap is one famous example they own Banana Republic, Old Navy.
David Gardner: That's right.
Yasser El-Shimy: Other so, yeah, I guess it is not that uncommon.
David Gardner: Well, this particular company is an example. This company is in the top 100 by revenue in the Fortune 500. It was formed as a subsidiary of Xero Corporation in 1987. That's a brand I still remember some of the older hands listening right now may remember Z-A-Y-R-E discovery today is headquartered in Framingham, Massachusetts, but the first T.J. Maxx store was actually open in Auburn, Massachusetts, it was part of the discount department store chain of Xero today. TJX Companies ticker symbol TJX is actually headquartered in Framingham, Massachusetts. The reason I was mentioning multiple brands, Yasser is because I'd forgotten. I don't know this company that well, but they also own Marshalls and HomeGoods, Homesense, Sierra in the United States, they've got Winners in Canada, they're operating primarily in North America with a lot of discount off-price department stores. This is a company again, that is one of the 100 largest by revenue share in the United States of America. Before I ask you about the market cap, Yasser, have you been into a T.J. Maxx any time in the last few years?
Yasser El-Shimy: Absolutely. I've been to a T.J. Maxx, to Marshalls, and to HomeGoods. I would say that my mom is probably singularly responsible for 50 percent of their sales. [laughs] The number of times she has just dragged me in there to buy stuff it's incredible, but there's a certain excitement associated with going to these stores even if you don't really need to get those "Bargain prices." There's a certain thrill associated with the egg hunt aspect of it, the Easter egg hunt, because you don't know what you're going to get there. You just go and you just go through the stuff. Sometimes you find stuff you like sometimes you don't.
David Gardner: Well said.
Yasser El-Shimy: I love that thrill of finding something new.
David Gardner: Well, given that your mother is providing about 50 percent of the company's revenues, I'm hoping Yasser you'll have at least a decent guess at the market cap for The TJX Companies ticker symbol TJX. What is your range, Yasser, for the market cap for TJX?
Yasser El-Shimy: Good question. That's not the kind of company I would have personally looked at to consider as an investment. But if I were to speculate on the market cap of TJX, I would probably say it's in the 14 billion to $22 billion range.
David Gardner: Fourteen billion and $22 billion. Players at home and Brian Stoffel, you're either going to say it's within Yasser's range or outside might be higher, might be lower. Again, new players, it's about time to make your decision right along with Brian Stoffel. As I ask Brian, a little bit of thinking for you here and where you are on inside or outside Yasser's range.
Brian Stoffel: Yeah. When you first introduced the company, I was like to write down what I think it is. Then at least I've got something to anchor to. It's funny because first I wrote 10-15. Then I heard you say that it's in the top 100 per sales and I was like could it be 30? I don't know. Since this is pretty close to that, I'm going to go ahead and say inside the range. Oh, no.
David Gardner: It is unfortunately outside Yasser's range. Again, players at home, if you said outside the range, you've got it right. History will now show that both Yasser and Brian had it well lower than the TJX Companies about which I know not that much myself, to be clear. I haven't been to T.J. Maxx as many times as the El-Shimy family. But the market cap for TJX Companies is 66.48 billion. Actually about triple the range that you were both thinking. Perhaps the mention that it was in the top 100 by revenues would be a reason to think higher. But that's just second guessing and Monday morning quarterbacking, and we don't do that on this show.
Brian Stoffel: I never would've guessed that high no matter what you said [laughs]
Yasser El-Shimy: I'm absolutely stumped. I know my mom has done them a favor too, but not that much.
David Gardner: [laughs] I've got this one as Yasser 1, Brian nothing, as we move onto company Number 2. Brian, your life in or out of video games. Do you care about video games?
Brian Stoffel: Not really. I played them a lot of Madden football and college football when I was in college. But once I became a teacher and then after that, once I became a dad, a lot less time. Although I will say my daughter just turned nine and we agreed to get her a Nintendo system so our family can play just dance, so that could change soon.
David Gardner: That is a wonderful use of video game time. We have certainly done the dance pad thing in the Gardner family home admittedly with kids who are now adults. But I want to validate that decision that the [inaudible 00:17:24] are considering because I think not only do you get a little more coordinated, you have fun as a family. Brian, I think you know that I love being in some video games, so it almost doesn't matter the genre I love video games, and often these companies have made it into Motley Fool portfolios. It's been a great growth area of the economy over the last 30 years as you well know, and not everybody likes video games. Some people think that they are responsible for violence.
Often, I think new media when they show up over the course of history, I think it was once mentioned to me that the novel was considered corrupting of younger women when it first showed up that horrific new art form novels. I think it's always going to be true and we're probably going to see that with the metaverse as well, where people look at the downside and don't like new media sometimes for that reason. Admittedly though, I'd like to say I probably spent too many hours playing video games over the course of my life. One day on the Gardner deathbed, I might say, I played too many [laughs] video games. But anyway, just dance sounds good to me Brian. Well, not every video game company is an American company. We certainly have some big brands, but I think a lot of us know that Sony, one of the biggest video game companies in the world is Japanese, of course. Then there are Chinese companies. That's what I'm thinking about right now, Brian Stoffel. Have you ever heard of the Westward Journey series?
Brian Stoffel: I have not.
David Gardner: How about Tian Xia III?
Brian Stoffel: Yeah, that's a huge no.
David Gardner: Heroes of Tang Dynasty Zero, or Ghost II, or Nostos, and Onmyoji?
Brian Stoffel: Man, that's the whole lot of blanks.
David Gardner: [laughs] Well, more Americans may have heard of World of Warcraft, StarCraft, and Overwatch, which NetEase sticker symbol NTES operates the Chinese versions of those games. This is a long running Rule Breaker stock pick done well over the course of time with a lot of stocks. More recently, it hasn't fared so well over the last 12 months. But what's more important than the performance, well, at least for this game show, I actually thing the performance is most important. But for this game show, what's more important, Brian, as you know, is the market cap of NetEase, sticker symbol NTES. What is your range of market cap for NetEase?
Brian Stoffel: Oh man, so I've got to consider the fact that video games in general are down, people are spending last time inside, although there's more lockdowns in China than there are other places. But then there's also concern about Chinese delisting. Oh man, I'm going to give a big range here, which might be a treat for Yasser or might not. But I'm going to say between 30 and 60 billion.
David Gardner: Thirty and 60 billion players at home, and Yasser El-Shimy does feel as if Brian has been generous with his range. But let's find out. Yasser, players at home, inside 30 to 60 billion or outside that range?
Yasser El-Shimy: That's a tough one, David. Yeah, I mean, for all the reasons that Brian just listed, there are lot of question marks on the volatility associated with Chinese stocks lately. Even though he did offer a very generous range here, it's a tough one to call, but I'm going to go with outside the range.
David Gardner: It is outside the range. It was a generous range and it was pretty close. Players at home and Yasser, the answer is 63.59 billion. Just outside that range. It's interesting. One of the reasons I love market cap is it gives us an opportunity to compare companies that are completely different from each other. Think about how different the purveyor of off-price discounting department stores, largely in North America TJX Companies, T.J. Maxx, etc. Thinking about how different that is from those video game tiles many of us had never heard of and yet both of these companies are right around lower $60 billion market cap. Very comparable. In that regard, I'm also happy to say that for Rule Breaker members, even with the recent weakness in NetEase, this has been a wonderful. Last 10 years the stock is up eight times in value. By the way, guys, this is a fund rule of thumb to remember. Over the last 10 years, the S&P 500 is up almost exactly 200 percent. Over the last 10 years, the stock market has almost exactly tripled. When we talk, we may reference at other times, this episode when we talked about 10-year performance of some of these stocks, they're trying to be 200 percent,. T's coming to about 700 percent over the last 10 years and rather anonymously, I think for most, at least US investors. Yasser, if my math is right, I think you're up to nothing. Your feelings at this moment.
Yasser El-Shimy: Sure I got David. I don't want to get ahead of myself here, but it's a better start than I expected.
David Gardner: [laughs] I thought that was a generous range, Brian. If you just said 30 to 65 or something like that, would've done it. Sometimes we shouldn't too often rock round numbers. I don't know. Let's see and keep planning going forward. Let me turn back to Yasser. Yasser, I know you live in the greater Washington DC area, which is, of course, where the original Fool HQ anyway is based. Have you been in Downtown DC recently?
Yasser El-Shimy: I have actually just this weekend, went to the Museum of Natural History.
David Gardner: Oh, wonderful. Was that to go with your family, is that an annual soldier, and why?
Yasser El-Shimy: [laughs] I mean, we had the extended weekend just with Juneteenth holiday. The weather was perfect so we decided, hey, let's go on a trip to the newly renovated Museum of Natural History, and luckily, the girls really loved it.
David Gardner: I'm so glad to hear that. I grew up in Washington DC myself, so I can remember with six-year-old, I seeing a gigantic, great, big blue whale. I think it was right almost as you walk in. Is that big blue whale still in this Smithsonian Museum of Natural History?
Yasser El-Shimy: There is a huge skeleton of a big blue whale. But I think you might be thinking of the big elephant. That's right. As soon as you step in they have a full size elephant [laughs] in the hallway.
David Gardner: Most of all, Yasser, I think I need to go back to that [laughs] museum it's a bit of few decades for me, but I'm delighted. Certainly one of the great things about growing up in Washington DC are all those amazing museums as well. When I've talked to friends who are downtown, they say stuff like, yeah, it's still really quiet in Downtown DC. A lot of us in cities, if we think about the corporate district, not as much activity certainly as pre-COVID. Most recently I was seeing numbers like we're peaking post-COVID at 78 percent occupancy relative to where we were 100 percent before that, ie, we're three quarters back, but there's still a quarter missing. This is of concern to anybody in the commercial real estate business and a lot of us have questions about what the future of that business is. Perhaps most of all Yasser people in that industry themselves, I will say by the way, on a side note, it hasn't stopped. I think the DC traffic from still seem to be pretty bad. If people are downtown, are they still out on for 495? I'm not sure. But the reason we're talking about commercial real estate is because I'm thinking of CoStar Group, ticker symbol CSGP. This is a company that for years has taught it up the numbers, created a database and services around that, around the prices of office buildings and other commercial properties. It's a place where if you work within this industry, you are very familiar with CoStar Group and the data that this company overseas manages on its platform. Yasser, have you ever taken a look at CoStar Group the stock?
Yasser El-Shimy: I have not had the pleasure unfortunately.
David Gardner: It's not a very well-known stock, we'll certainly have better known stocks this week on the Market Cap Game Show. But I think without further ado, I should just turn to you and ask, since you're now on point for the range of market cap for this, again, longtime Rule Breakers stock. I will turn to you, Yasser, and ask you a question I myself would have a hard time answering. What does the market cap range that you'd like to specify for CoStar Group?
Yasser El-Shimy: I'm going to go with 28 to 36 billions.
David Gardner: Twenty eight to 36 billion. I see that you're still working in a tighter range. It feels as if that might be distinctive to your approach to this game, Yasser. I know you're still getting your feet under you here, but do you feel like that might be a little bit more of the El-Shimy way to play the game?
Yasser El-Shimy: Yeah. I think the way I approach the game is I generally do try to situate where a company might be and then offer a relatively tight range.
David Gardner: Well players at home and Brian Stoffel, Yasser said 28 to 36 billion for a company not that many people know well, CoStar Group. Brian, inside that range or outside 28 to 36 billion?
Brian Stoffel: Man, I can't wait till we get to those more familiar names in the [inaudible 00:26:56] [laughs] Low end was 28 when I wrote mine down my high end was 27.8 [laughs] I'm over two so far, my gut tells me to say outside to the bottom, but since I'm over two, I'm going to switch it up, I'm going to say inside the range.
David Gardner: [laughs] I'm sorry to say it is a little bit lower. Not a bad call. It's 21.86 billion so we could round that to 22 billion players at home. If you said outside Yasser's range, Yasser keeps getting the range wrong, but scoring points that's part of the charm and fun of the market cap game, show and players at home are experiencing that as well. Yasser, by my accounting, you're right now three nothing but it feels like maybe you still have some of your best calls ahead of you.
Yasser El-Shimy: If I told you [laughs] I'll have to call you so [laughs] let's keep playing.
David Gardner: [laughs] Let's keep playing, on the company number 4 now Brian, one of the things I've always appreciated about you is not only are you somewhat of a world traveler, but you also have lived overseas and I think you still maintain a place in Costa Rica, am I right?
Brian Stoffel: Yes. In fact, on the trip down this past year at the last minute, my wife couldn't go so it was myself, a three-year-old, and an eight-year-old. Right as we were about to leave we all got COVID and so we had to quarantine in a shipping container, that's our house, on the farm for a week without Internet.
David Gardner: [laughs] What did you discover about yourself during that week?
Brian Stoffel: It's funny if you watch the Mindset episode that happened today, the day we recorded, we actually talked about that because what I discovered was I like focusing on mindset issues and working with our beginner members, especially more than specific stocks and so I shifted that when I came back.
David Gardner: We've referenced Motley Fool live a couple of times already. That's the way I describe that, Brian and Yasser is that's basically our TV channel on our website. It is member-focused so if you're a Motley Fool member, I hope you already know, and you've seen Brian, you've seen Yasser. Many Motley Fool analysts appear generally during the weekdays, all throughout the market year. It's something that I've enjoyed so much and I do wish the entire world watched Motley Fool Live, but that only happened when the entire world becomes Motley Fool members, which we hope will be the case one day, but it is our member-focused TV channels. Again, if you're already a member, you know that if you're not and you're curious take a look at Motley Fool services, Motley Fool premium services, Stock Advisor, many others and then you can join us at Motley Fool Live. Well, Brian, I'm glad that you guys got over COVID and I've often picture, I think you've sent me a picture or two of your place in Costa Rica so I know what it looks like. But what I don't know is how remote you are and whether there are any American brands that still are evident to you, even at that remote Costa Rican site?
Brian Stoffel: We are quite remote. When we fly in, then you can see, and it's really only in the capital city. There's a Walmart right there, there's some fast food restaurants you'd be familiar with. But beyond that, I think unless it's a company that produces tools, very slim chances. Coca-Cola is around everywhere.
David Gardner: That is a huge international brand and that's what I'm thinking about right now with the company number 4, so the biggest brands in the world, Brian, what would, what do you think is a brand that all Costa Ricans have probably heard of that's an American brand if you went top-three?
Brian Stoffel: Okay. I will go Coke and then it's a little bit unfair, but I'd throw Mehta or [Meta's] Facebook in there and then beyond that, probably McDonald's.
David Gardner: Wow, well, maybe Apple didn't rank there, but ticker symbol A-A-P-L is, I'm sure well known to many Costa Ricans and I think it's just about the biggest brand worldwide and for lots of great reasons. Often I think that the companies that build brand over decades are the stocks we want to own. It's no coincidence to me that many of the best-performing stocks end up being the best brands in the world over meaningful periods of time in each industry. As you guys can probably guess, relieving the obscurity of the CoStar Group's and net eases and right now we're looking at Apple. Brian, I'm turning back to you and wondering what market cap you'd like to specify for Apple Inc.
Brian Stoffel: I'm going to go, last time I did this, I said billion instead of trillion, and Brian Feroldi tried to get his answer in real quick. I'll remember trillion, let me say between 2.05 trillion to 2.405 trillion.
David Gardner: 2.05 trillion to 2.405 trillion. I do want to mention, by the way, it's been more than two years since any of these 10 stocks on this game show have appeared on the Market Cap Game Show. Not only do we have 10 fresh companies to discuss, but we have 10 fresh market caps to consider since the market itself has been about as fresh to investors as could possibly be in the first six months of a year. So 2.05 trillion Yasser, to 2.45 trillion, I want to ask you and our players at home right now, inside or outside that range.
Yasser El-Shimy: Well, I would say the trillion is right, [laughs] other than that.
David Gardner: Which is amazing on its own.
Yasser El-Shimy: [laughs] Exactly. That's incredible sometimes when you think of how incredibly large these companies are placed by market cap, I would say outside the range. I think the market has been absolutely brutal. Many of the technology companies out there, including the so-called Fang companies, Apple being one notable member of them. I'm feeling it's on the lower side of that equation.
David Gardner: The market cap of Apple is 2.105 trillion and so it is inside Brian's pretty generous range, just a range of 450 billion or so [laughs]. Larger than most companies by multiples of their market caps. But yeah, these numbers are so large that it's astonishing to consider. Apple has a significantly larger market cap than Russia has GDP, for example. It's always interesting to compare some of these global numbers. But when you think about the world's, I think probably best-known company, it's perhaps not surprising that we would be running up to the not just nine-figures friends, but 12 or 13 to anyway, a lot of numbers 2105000000000, and I think three more after that, 2.105 trillion. If you said inside the range, give yourself a point, Yasser, you said outside that range and so Brian racks up his first point. That makes it a little bit more dramatic. Remember, Brian always finishes these games five to five. It's Yasser three, Brian one, and players at home, you are somewhere from four we hope, right down to zero. Let's move on to company number five. From the very big to the significantly smaller, but I won't be any more helpful than that. Turning back to Yasser for company number 5. Yasser, do you use an iPhone or an Android phone?
Yasser El-Shimy: I do use an iPhone.
David Gardner: You use an iPhone. Well, let's stick with Apple. Then speaking of Apple, so you use an iPhone. Have you ever used Apple Cash?
Yasser El-Shimy: I do. Yes.
David Gardner: You use Apple cash?
Yasser El-Shimy: Well, hold on. I use Apple Pay and Apple Wallet. I'm not sure what Apple Cash is.
David Gardner: Well, I'm glad we're talking about this, and I have to admit I'm not an Apple Cash user myself and these things can start sounding confusing. But the Wallet app on my iPhone enables me to add my credit card or debit cards or other things and other ways to pay people. One of the options more recently has been Apple Cash. You can actually open up a debit card and just instead of maybe using Venmo or PayPal, you can pay people with Apple Cash. Now, I haven't signed up for it and Yasser it sounds like you're not specifically using Apple cash either.
Yasser El-Shimy: I'm not. No.
David Gardner: How do you send payments to friends? Do you ever pay your friends?
Yasser El-Shimy: I have to, unfortunately, [laughs] But when I do so it's usually via Venmo or the Cash app.
David Gardner: Okay. There are lots of ways to pay people these days, but the company behind Apple Cash is Green Dot Corporation. Check it. Ticker symbol is G-D-O-T, Green Dot Corporation. This is a company that is within Motley Fool coverage, not a stock I've looked at before, so I didn't know it very well. I'm not using Apple Cash, I don't know, maybe I should. But I don't really feel like I have a payments-to-friends problem. As Seth Gordon's often said, "who's actually scratching a niche or really solving a problem." I feel as if lots of different companies are all solving that problem which is maybe why Green Dot Corporation isn't larger than it actually is. But since we're talking about that, I guess I should turn back to Yasser and ask you what your market cap range is for Green Dot Corporation, ticker symbol G-D-O-T.
Yasser El-Shimy: Market cap for Green Dot, I will go with a range of 650 million to 1.75 billion..
David Gardner: Six hundred and fifty million to 1.75 billion. Spoiler alert this company is smaller than Apple, and so it makes these numbers I will [laughs] easily handled, shall we say. Brian Stoffel and players at home as I turn to you Green Dot Corporation, and ask you is it's market cap within Yasser's specified range of 650 million to 1.75 billion or outside that range.
Brian Stoffel: Every morning I look for big movers on the market. I don't like following it every day, but I look for big movers, but I always have a screener that says show me 2 billion and above. I don't ever remember seeing Green Dot which tells me that it's probably under 2 billion. Which means that I'm going to say inside and if this is between 1.75 and two billion, I'm going to go with the inside [laughs], I'm going with inside.
David Gardner: It is indeed well done. A screening stock researcher I here, Brian Stoffel, and that served you well in this case, the market cap for Green Dot Corporation is 1.22 billion, Apple 2.1 trillion, Green Dot 1.2 billion. But who's really counting? Actually, I'm counting, I count Yasser with three points and now Brian having scored two in a row, players at home, again, give yourself a gold star and a plus 1, if you said inside that range. We're at the halfway point of the Market Cap Game Show this week, with the market down as far as it is, the normal halftime entertainment we would've featured is unfortunately not available to us this week. I'm simply going to have to turn to my friends. Brian and Yasser decided you guys know a joke?
Brian Stoffel: I can tell you a joke that my three-year-old said to me this morning at breakfast. He's three, so you got to picture this, it's not coming from me, but from a three-year-old.
David Gardner: This is definitely the best halftime entertainment we can manage.
Brian Stoffel: He says, knock, knock.
David Gardner: Who's there?
Brian Stoffel: Interrupting cow.
David Gardner: Interrupting cow?
Brian Stoffel: He's three. So I thought it was a [inaudible 00:39:27] .
David Gardner: Well-played. Thank you. I think many of Motley Fool will be able to use that in the week ahead. I think that could come from anybody. Brian, I'm 56, I'd be willing to try out what your three-old just sprung, and thank you for that. While the halftime follies are over, the expensive Super Bowl ads, they are starting to get less expensive as we move to the second half of the show. Except that I think things might get even more dramatic. I don't know. It's getting closer and closer as we move to stock number 6, turning back to Brian now, company number 6, Brian, planes, trains, or automobiles?
Brian Stoffel: Trains.
David Gardner: Why do you say trains?
Brian Stoffel: It's more fun.
David Gardner: Did you ever see the movie, Planes, Trains, and Automobiles?
Brian Stoffel: John Candy are you kidding me? That's a great movie.
David Gardner: Steve Martin, John Candy, etc., you betcha. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, but I like your answer. Planes, trains, or automobiles because trains was the correct answer. This company was founded in 1862. Today, Union Pacific Corporation, ticker symbol UNP, is the second largest US rail company after BNSF. I was looking at the history of this, the Act that enabled the Union Pacific Corporation to build its first railroad was actually approved by Abraham Lincoln himself in 1862. This company dominates the West. It has a duopoly actually with BNSF for that portion of US rail commerce. Do you guys know where Union Pacific is headquartered these days?
Brian Stoffel: Somewhere in California.
David Gardner: I would've thought so too, but the answer is right where it's been for a long time in Omaha, Nebraska. Right in Warren Buffett's backyard union, Pacific Corporation is, of course, where we have our market cap sights set. Brian, let me turn to you, the second largest US rail company. A good performer for a lot of stock market investors who'd like a little dividend and we'll just patiently passively hold this stock. One of my stock advisor picks back in the day. I like trains as well. Planes, trains, automobiles. The answer is always. The correct answer is always trains. Brian Stoffel, what is your market cap for the Union Pacific Corporation ticker symbol, UNP?
Brian Stoffel: We're going to go from 82 billion up to 137 billion.
David Gardner: Eighty two billion to 137 billion, Yasser, people can't see you. I can see you because we're doing this by video, but this is of course just an audio podcasts. But I would say your brow looked knit, you had a hand on your head. You look deep in thought.
Yasser El-Shimy: I have been thinking about this ever since you said trains. That got me thinking about the railways. Some of these companies have been great investments over the many decades. They've been on the stock market. As you mentioned, they are good dividend payers. But I also know that with recessionary fears gripping the market these days, we have had a quite a remarkable node pullback in those stocks. I was trying to think hard about what the market cap could be for Union Pacific.
David Gardner: I'm glad that you've been thinking about that because we're about to ask you whether Brian is correct with his range of 82 billion to 137 billion, or whether that's incorrect, and so Yasser, I think the time has come players at home inside that range or outside that range.
Yasser El-Shimy: I feel 137, that seems awfully arbitrary. [laughs] I'm going to go outside the range.
David Gardner: [NOISE] It is inside a rather generous range, although it was close. You weren't far off with that call, Yasser. The correct market cap as of Tuesday afternoon, June 21st, we're recording this right around 3:00 PM Eastern, the market cap for Union Pacific is 130.75 billion, so $131 billion just inside the high-end of Brian's range. Yasser if I turned to you, and just point-blank said planes, trains, or automobiles, what would you have said?
Yasser El-Shimy: I probably would have said planes.
David Gardner: That's unfortunately the wrong answer. [laughs]
Yasser El-Shimy: Exactly. That's why I'm tied now. [laughs]
David Gardner: [laughs] It's 33. Let's move on. Thank you, guys. Here we go. Company number 7, Yasser, Disney, Universal, or Six Flags?
Yasser El-Shimy: Disney.
David Gardner: It's probably the right answer, but that's not the company we're going to be talking about on this Market Cap, Game Show, Six Flags entertainment, the ticker symbol is S-I-X, appropriately enough, is the company we're taking a look at. This is a really interesting, it's been around for 60 years, but the company has been through bankruptcy at least once. It's been troubled at different points and has an interesting development which I'm going to mention. Do you know who became CEO of this company toward the end of last year, Yasser?
Yasser El-Shimy: I do not.
David Gardner: All right. Brian, jump right in with your knowledge, we reward knowledge on the show.
Brian Stoffel: Is it Selim Bassoul?
David Gardner: It is indeed. The former CEO of Middleby Corp, longtime friend of the Fool, conscious capitalist, he had taken over as Chairman of the Board for a while and then they asked him to become President and CEO on November 15th of last year. I won't say the company's revenues, because that starts making the question easier. Let's just leave it right there. We're going to come back and talk a little bit more about Six Flags entertainment in a sec. But first, as our listeners at home, mirroring Brian Stoffel's good habit right away, are already thinking of their number. I'm going to turn to you, Yasser, and say, what is your range of market cap for Six Flags entertainment ticker symbol S-I-X?
Yasser El-Shimy: The picture of a turkey drumstick is clouding my judgment right now because that's the snack they have at Six Flags. I recall many years ago being offered one and politely passing on. [laughs]
David Gardner: It was right around Thanksgiving Day last year, that Selim Bassoul became Turkey Drum became CEO of this company. There's a lot of Turkey and this has been a little bit of Turkey were performer as well. I'm not saying it's Selim's fall, he's just started but stock's been nose-diving. I'm not trying to affect your guests here though. Yasser, what is your range of market cap?
Yasser El-Shimy: My range of market cap would be 3-7.5 billion.
David Gardner: 3.0-$7.5 billion for Six Flags entertainment. Brian Stoffel, if I'd said to you Disney, Universal, or Six Flags, what would've been your answer?
Brian Stoffel: Definitely Disney.
David Gardner: That is the correct answer.
Brian Stoffel: This is a tough one because I'm going to use that same screener and trick. I was asking myself, does this ever show up? Have I ever seen this and now I can't remember if I've seen that or not. [laughs] But I went against my gut before and I got it wrong. I'm going to go with my gut. I think it's below the low range of what was offered. I'm going to say outside. [NOISE]
David Gardner: We have an incredible comeback underway as Brian Stoffel has just racked up his fourth straight, correct answer. Players at home, if you said outside the Yasser's 3-$7.5 billion range, you'd be right on the low-end indeed, the company's market cap is 1.75 billion as we speak this Tuesday afternoon. The company had revenues last year of $1 and 1/2 billion. This is a company at about one times sales. I was checking it out. They have right around 2,000 full-time employees. They have seasonally 43,000 more employees than that. Imagine trying to run a company with 45,000 employees about half of the year, and then not the other half that owns many different parks, including waterparks, lots of different brands, and all of that at a market cap of just 1.75 billion. What does it sound like to you, Brian?
Brian Stoffel: Like a job, I don't want.
David Gardner: [laughs] It definitely sounds stressful.
Yasser El-Shimy: I'm just going to go ahead David, it sounds cheap.
David Gardner: I will say this Selim Bassoul has a well demonstrated history of playing the long game and winning hugely on behalf of the shareholders. Certainly my brother Tom, who first discovered The Stock somewhere around 2001, that will be Middleby Corporation, Selim's previous company. Wow, what an incredible run that stock went on over his roughly 20-year career. It wasn't so great last year's as he eventually cycled off. But take it, all in all, what a gigantic winner. If winners win, guys, I think we might want to keep our eye on Six Flags entertainment, although, man I agree with you, Brian, that's not [laughs] a piece of this I would want to run. Yasser, it sounds you've done your time at Six Flags here and there. You've been to at least one?
Yasser El-Shimy: I have been to a couple. But I would say the last time I have been to Six Flags was over 12 years ago.
David Gardner: I know you live in suburban Maryland in, Largo, Maryland is Six Flags America. That's an important one. Maybe you want to take the kids sometime this summer, help out Selim?
Yasser El-Shimy: As matter of fact, I do. That's great idea.
David Gardner: Wonderful. Well, I wish I could award you a bonus points for your good nature there, but unfortunately, that's not how this game works. Right now, we're looking at Brian Stoffel -4, Yasser El-Shimy-3. You guys you're both neck and neck. Yasser took the big lead early, and now in the middle for longs we have a new leader with three companies left, and I'm quite certain at least one of our listeners has 7. That's how smart some of our listeners are, some of us may have zero, but we're having fun. Let's move to company Number 8. Turning back to you Brian. Brian it sounds like screening companies that have market caps below $2 billion is of passing interest to you.
Brian Stoffel: Yeah. I don't like seeing what the market is doing every day. It doesn't really bother me. But what is interesting is if all of a sudden the stock is down by 50 percent or up 50 percent, that's worth looking at. The thing is, if you include those really low cap companies, there's going to be a ton of them because that's the nature of small-cap companies. That's just the cutoff.
David Gardner: Well, spoiler alert. This next company wouldn't make your screen, but I think you'd already know that. Do you ever invest hoping a company will get bought out by another company? Can you think of a stock that you've picked or owned in the past where you had your fingers crossed, you confidently thought, these guys are going to get taken out?
Brian Stoffel: I haven't, but I do know that one of your most successful booking when I went back and read the write-up, you said, oh, it's a great buyout target. It ended up being one of the best performers stand-alone on the whole scorecard. [laughs]
David Gardner: Exactly. It's one of my favorite examples because it's one of the few times in Motley Fool Stock Advisor history where I wrote the write-up, saying in the write-up, I think these guys will get bought out, and they never did. Instead they started buying others out, booking in Europe, etc, and became the industry leader on their own. I've always loved that example, and I'm so grateful you're referencing again. Once again, this company is involved in a mega merger, so the stock is not as volatile because there is an overhanging price that Microsoft is supposedly going to be buying them out by the first half of next year. I'm not going to say the share price of it might help one of my players, including those of you at home, but a lot of us probably have heard. I know Brian doesn't like video games very much.
A lot of us have probably heard that Activision Blizzard ticker symbol, ATVI, I think it's fair to say embattled Activision Blizzard at this point received a generous buyout offer earlier this year from Microsoft, the company I would say trading in a surprisingly large discount to Softies cash. I think there's some share conversion offer too there, but this is a pretty rock solid offer. Let's put it that way. When Microsoft comes in knocking and, says we're going to buy you out, Satya Nadella has the cash to do it. Activision Blizzard, a longtime Motley Fool Stock Advisor holding, a stock I personally own, and I've written positively about it many a time in the past. I've been right at different points, and wrong in others. But take it all-in-all, it's been a great stock for Stock Advisor members. But Brian, are you following the story at all? Is this of interest to you, Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard, the largest video game acquisition of all time?
Brian Stoffel: I'm aware of it. Just what I remember was just what a fall the stock had. It was the pullback from society's opening up, the culture issues, just so many things pulling it down. I'm aware of it, but now I'm just trying to gauge where I'm sitting on the market cap. [laughs]
David Gardner: Well, again, the offer is supposed to be consummated by early next year. Now some people question whether the Justice Department, the Biden administration would let a big merger like this happen. But then others point out what a large industry this is. This would make Microsoft the third largest Video Games Company in the world, but it's not like they'd be the Number 1 or even Number 2. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. But more important, let's forget about then and talked about just now. Let's talk about the market cap right now. Brian, what range would you like to specify for Activision Blizzard ticker symbol, ATVI?
Brian Stoffel: Let me go 21-29 billion, and I'm wrong, I'm guessing it's higher than that, but that's what I'm going to go with.
David Gardner: Now you're saying if you're wrong, you guess it's higher, you don't want to extend your range?
Brian Stoffel: No, I'm going to leave it right there. [LAUGHTER]. It is still the mind games?
David Gardner: I'm really good at speaking at both sides of my mouth. I did that a lot on this podcast from week-to-week as well. I admire your skill, sir. Let's turn to Yasser and of course, all of our players at home. Brian has specified a market cap of 21 billion to 29 billion for this somewhat fallen star within its industry, and yet still so many great brands, speaking of merging multiple brands as we talked about earlier this show. Almost a day doesn't go by that I don't play some Hearthstone, I'm a big fan of that Digital Card Game, but certainly Diablo IV, I can't wait for that. I remain a lifelong inveterate video gamer. I already mentioned my deathbed pre-confession. But let's turn back to Yasser, and our players at home Brian stood at 21-29 inside or outside that range.
Yasser El-Shimy: Outside. It maybe a fallen star, but it's not quite dead star. I think Microsoft did pay a premium on Activision, and I believe it is higher than that range.
David Gardner: It is correct. Outside the range, that makes it Yasser-4, Brian-4. Makes an exciting conclusion. Let's talk briefly before moving to company Number 9. What's happening with this company? The Microsoft acquisition announced earlier this year was for $69 billion, and the stock is trading at a market cap of 57.8. There's a fair amount of gap between where it is right now, and Microsoft's tons of cash offer for this company which is due within the next year. I'm looking at it, seems to be about 20 percent below where that offer lies, so it'll be interesting to watch this one further, but I'll will tell you guys whether or not Microsoft buys Activision Blizzard, I would just keep holding it in either case. I feel good about this industry and where this company's positioned for the long term.
Anyway it's a fun interesting sidelight. Part of the beauty of investing in the stock market is that it causes you to pay more attention to the business world and what's happening in the world at large. This is a good example for many of us a sideshow, but still really interesting to study and learn from. Speaking of studying and learning, I'm learning a lot from these guys. Did they study? It's 4 to 4. Two very talented returning champions. As we enter the home stretch, we have two companies left. Let's move Yasser to company Number 9. I know you've documented the huge share that your family represents of the nation's retail revenues. We're headed right back there. Clearly you are spending a lot at The TJX Companies, but I'm curious, Yasser. Let's forget about your mom or your wife for a sec or anybody else related to you. If you, sir, need to go buy something in bulk, where would you buy?
Yasser El-Shimy: Costco? No question.
David Gardner: Are you a member?
Yasser El-Shimy: I am a member. Longtime member.
David Gardner: Are you a shareholder?
Yasser El-Shimy: I'm not, and not by choice. Basically, I'm not allowed to own any shares in any companies with exposures to food or drugs because my wife works at the FDA.
David Gardner: Wow. That's really interesting and also very admirable. Every Motley Fool employee operates under the Motley Fool's rules of disclosure. That means that anybody can look up, even a brand-new employee who might be answering phones for us as their first job, if they own stocks, you can see what he or she has as tickers in their portfolio. But some of us abide by additional rules of disclosure that a partner or spouse might bring into that relationship. Thank you first of all for disclosing and sharing that. I'm sorry to hear that in part, because there are so many great companies in those industries. Yet Yasser, I see you smiling because there are lots of other great stocks outside those industries as well. Sounds like you would own some Costco if you could have?
Yasser El-Shimy: Yes, I would own it if I could. I don't know about the valuation right now. I haven't looked at it recently because I am restricted out of it. But it's a conscious capitalists company, treats its workers well, offers great value proposition to its consumers. People who shop there are very loyal, and they stay with the business for years and years. I feel Costco treats its members right. That's the kind of company I'd like to invest in.
David Gardner: Turning to you, Brian, do you shop at Costco ever?
Brian Stoffel: I don't. We only have one in the area. We move to where we move because we don't really need our car that often, and so driving that far to one just doesn't make sense for where we live.
David Gardner: I here you. But we all recognize what a wonderful company this is as Yasser eloquently conveyed in the stock. By the way, over the last 10 years, we already established the S&P 500 up a pretty good round number of 200 percent over the last 10 years as of today. Costco up 400 percent over the last 10 years. Doubling the markets returned 400 percent return is a 5-bagger for Costco shareholders over the last 10 years. The ticker symbol, as many Motley Fool members will know, is C-O-S-T pretty straightforward. Yasser, what is your range of market cap for Costco?
Yasser El-Shimy: I would say that Costco's market cap range is between 235 billion to 267 billion.
David Gardner: Two hundred and thirty five billion to 267 billion, earlier, Yasser, it seemed as if you've got a little jab in a Brian for selecting market cap, one of the range numbers that ended with a seven. Now I'm hearing you start to rock some sevens on the back end of your range numbers.
Brian Stoffel: Are you trying to unlock my mind games, David? [laughs] Because you shouldn't, [laughs] you should be a neutral umpire here.
David Gardner: I am. I'm just looking at Scanst. [laughs] But you're right. I need to return to neutrality. The truth is, I'm cheering for our listeners most of all, but I'm having so much fun with you guys. Brian, 235 billion to 267 billion inside or outside that range.
Brian Stoffel: Boy, I was seeing below before. But then when I heard that it's a six bagger, I mean to say inside.
David Gardner: It is outside that range, and for the record, it's actually a five-bagger, not a six-bagger. If it were a six-bagger, it would probably be inside that range. But as it turns out, Costco, talk about round numbers. Is it 200.11 billion? Let's just call it $200 billion today of market cap, which is an amazingly large number. About 1 tenth Apple. Unfortunately, under Yasser's range of 235 to 267, which means in this case, Yasser, you get the point, which means you've just taken a 5-4 lead in the market cap game show. Brian Stoffel, you have played previously twice. This is your third appearance of the Market Cap Game Show. The final scores of both of your previous games were 5-5, and 5-5. How confident are you feeling right now as we go to company Number 10?
Brian Stoffel: Not very excited, I don't have the control. The person who stays inside or outside, they're the ones with the control. [laughs]. I'm just sitting in the passenger seat here.
David Gardner: It is true as we turn to you for the final company, company Number 10. Let's play word association, Brian, you're ready? We'll present you a phrase, present me a word or phrase or maybe a few that come to mind as I say this phrase, female billionaire.
Brian Stoffel: Oprah Winfrey.
David Gardner: That's also who comes to mind first for me as well. Any others?
Brian Stoffel: Female billionaire, Oprah Winfrey. I don't think I can't remember Lake was her last name from Stitch Fix but I don't think she was anymore.
David Gardner: Katrina Lake, no, I don't think so either.
Brian Stoffel: I don't think.
David Gardner: How about J.K. Rowling, ever read Harry Potters?
Brian Stoffel: I've heard of her, yeah.
David Gardner: I think she makes the list. I think Queen Elizabeth also makes a list.
Brian Stoffel: Yes.
Yasser El-Shimy: Melinda Gates, perhaps.
David Gardner: I think Melinda Gates would count. Mackenzie Bezos, I think she has to count.
Yasser El-Shimy: I think Mackenzie Scott is her name now.
David Gardner: Mackenzie Scott. Absolutely, is her name now. Thank you for that, Yasser. Well, there's another name we can add to this list and one that a fair number of Motley Fool members might recognize, and yet I think we highly over-index that way. I think most of the rest of the world doesn't know that much about Jayshree Ullal, the CEO of Arista Networks. The ticker symbol is A and E. I'm happy to say we first added this to the Motley Fool Rule Breakers scorecard on November 25th of 2014, it was David Kretzmann, longtime Fool, who picked it, and it's been a market crusher. Like a lot of stocks, it hasn't been so great the last year or so, and yet taken all-in-all, this comedy which ranks in the top 10 in our Motley Fool Stock Screener universe in terms of companies that we seem to favor going forward, Arista Networks, a lot of promise, some good performance behind the guys. We hope for even better performance going forward and Jayshree Ullal is the CEO of this company. She owns about five percent of the company. That would mean she's a billionaire at least, but I'll let you figure out Brian Stoffel what the market cap ranges that you'd like to specify for Arista Networks.
Brian Stoffel: I stayed away from the company because of concentration risks that ended up being a good move in the short-term because some of their bigger customers pulled back and I forgot about it, and I remember Brian Feroldi told me, oh, no, it's doing really well. I'm going to go up, I'm going to say between 66 and 92 billion.
David Gardner: Sixty six and $92 billion of generous range? Sixty six to $92 billion Arista Networks? Of course, a company that had a lot of challenges at networking company going in your face competing directly with Cisco and having some questions in terms of who owns what intellectual property which did drag down the stock for a while in the teens of the past decade, 66 billion to 92 billion, the range. Yasser, not going to say the pressure's on, but let's face it, the pressure is on. You have a lead right now, 5-4. This is your game to lose. Some people would say to win. This is your game to lose, Yasser, players at home 66-$92 billion. Before you give your answer, Yasser, do you want to share any thoughts?
Yasser El-Shimy: Yeah. I know this has been a long-term winter for the Motley Fool, and I guess the company itself has done extremely well. Definitely direct beneficiary of the growth of datacenters. But it's not one that I own personally or one that I've studied as part of my work.
David Gardner: It's a big world out there. There's so many different ways, I mean.
Yasser El-Shimy: Yeah.
David Gardner: Just think about what we've talked about this week, and I was pulling randomly from the Motley Fool universe. But we've talked about Apple, and we talked about Green Dot, [laughs] which is a partner of Apple. We talked about six flags and Union Pacific. We've talked about video game companies, both domestically and internationally, and here we are after Costco talking about a completely different company, Arista Networks. I'm going to ask you now point-blank. Yasser El-Shimy, inside Brian's range of 66-92 billion or outside Brian's range?
Yasser El-Shimy: Just because I believe every single answer that I heard before was outside the range, I'm going to take a different track this time and say inside the range.
David Gardner: Sure now, [laughs] that gives us the 5-5 finish that I think everyone wanted and some of us for saw, possibly from the dawn of time. Brian Stoffel, congratulations because it wasn't actually even close. It was much lower than the range that you specified. But this is one of those more opaque companies that, I mean, for a lot of Motley Fool, Rule Breaker members or Stock Advisor members, you might have owned this. My brother is a big fan of this company, has interviewed Jayshree personally, so you might have owned it over the years, but I think most people don't really know this company or much about its industry because it's a B2B company, let's face it. The market cap for Arista Networks is 27.87 billion, so well, lower outside Brian's range. But since Yasser said inside, that gave Brian the fifth point that he needed for his third consecutive tie, and because, gentlemen, we've tied, I think I might already be inviting you both on one quarter from now to join me in September to break, I think hope this tie, but maybe Brian in the end is our beginning and maybe everything circular and maybe you will just tie every time added for the item.
Brian Stoffel: I'm OK with it now, the big thing is we just got to come up with the tiebreaker beforehand, just to not leave, you don't like the way that soccer with the two dove. I'm not as big a fan either. I'd love if they pull the player off the field every five minutes.
Yasser El-Shimy: Like rapid-fire outside.
Brian Stoffel: Yeah. Or even just like crowdsource it. [laughs].
David Gardner: Maybe I'll think about the equivalent of a shootout for overtime next time if we get another tie. But one thing is for sure each of you scored five, which is great, and listeners at home, if you scored at least five, give yourself a pat on the back, if you scored less, keep listening, keep getting smarter, happier and richer with us. If you scored more, let us know on Twitter, use the rarely used hashtag, hashtag I beat Brian and Yasser, [laughs] and maybe you too will appear on this show one day. Well, I want to thank my talented guests stars. Good nature as always I had a lot of fun with you guys, Brian, Yasser, thank you both.
Yasser El-Shimy: Thank you, David.
Brian Stoffel: Good game, Yasser.
Yasser El-Shimy: Good game, Brian.
David Gardner: You know 2468, who do we appreciate? [laughs] Do you remember that being forced to do that as kids?
Brian Stoffel: Oh, yeah.
David Gardner: Towards the end of soccer little league games. Yeah. We haven't done that traditionally on this show, but thank you guys. You are both great sports and I want to thank our listeners for joining us for this summer fun. I think this is a summer thrill that is probably not appreciated by enough people. The opportunity to kick around market caps and thinking about stocks in good years and bad, always fund four times a year, I think part of what makes the market cap gameshow specialist like holidays, doesn't recur that frequently, so it's more special when it comes around. [MUSIC] Next week is mailbag on this podcast, so [email protected] is our email address. If you want to react to anything that you learnt this week or the other weeks for Rule Breaker Investing in this long hot month of June 2022. In the meantime, for Brian and for Yasser and for our 10 companies from Apple write-down degree that we bid a Foolish. I do.