Jobless claims for last week, ended July 11, came out to 1.3 million. This outpaced estimates of 1.25 million and shows continuing damage from the COVID-19 outbreak and subsequent economic disruption. The United States continues to see COVID-19 cases rise, which has put further doubt on the strength of the economic reopening.

As more state and federal authorities attempt to limit the spread of the virus, continued pressure is being applied to some specific industries. Pennsylvania for example, implemented rules Thursday governing the sale of alcohol in bars and restaurants. The move puts limits on restaurant capacity and put a block on alcohol sales that aren't ordered with food. The exception is alcohol ordered to go. This is one example of an industry that will be hard pressed to maintain full staff during the current climate.

A man holding a face mask and the handles of a satchel.

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As coronavirus counts rise, it seems likely that industries will continue to face unconventional challenges. In that climate, stores, restaurants, and bars will have a tough time maintaining revenues, let alone staff. Coastal tourism areas are seeing issues as beaches in hard hit states like Texas are being closed to fight social congregation. That cutoff to tourism and socializing puts a direct hit on the hospitality industry. In turn, certain parts of the country seem likely to face continued layoffs.

Outside of hospitality, larger industries like the airlines seem likely to contribute greatly to the unemployment data. American Airlines (AAL 1.46%) warned yesterday that up to 25,000 jobs could be cut this year. It's worth noting that terms of financial aid from the government prohibits American Airlines from making labor force cuts until this fall. While that helps provide some time, it also indicates that there could be further pain in the labor market through the second half of the year.