If you’ve been a follower of The Motley Fool for long, you’ve probably heard all kinds of terms that are ours alone. They may get a little confusing for people who are new to communities like Rule Breakers, but we’re here to help.

Spiffy-pop defined

Spiffy-pop defined

Spiffy-pop is a term coined by The Motley Fool’s Rule Breakers community: It refers to a stock that has increased in price more in a single day than it cost the investor initially. So, for example, if you bought a stock at $5 per share one day and it increased in price to $11 the next, that stock spiffy-popped.

In 2007, David Gardner asked the Rule Breakers community to help him invent a word to capture this phenomenon. Member Carol Binion came up with "spiffy-pop" as the winning verb that David selected out of 280 submissions. As he explained at the time, she "seemingly shares my bent toward the whimsical... seemingly understands what I will simply call the 'fizz' of language -- I've somehow been haunted by it."

A mere two days after announcing the winning words, Rule Breakers had its first stock spiffy-pop: Digital advertiser and marketer aQuantive received a buyout offer from Microsoft (MSFT 1.25%) and gained more than $38 that day. From its recommendation price of $25, that made aQuantive the service's first daybagger.

Spiffy is for closers.
David Gardner, co-founder of The Motley Fool

A debate rages back and forth over exactly what constitutes a spiffy. Is it, as some believe, anytime during the day that a stock rises more than your cost? Or, does the stock have to close above your cost? On April 29th, 2010 at 12:48am EDT, David Gardner attempted to close the debate with the simple statement, "Spiffy is for closers." In other words, the term's champion strongly sides with those who believe a true spiffy-pop closes above your cost, does not merely flit briefly above it early in the day and get daybagger credit. The only exception that David allows on this point are those who decide -- for better or worse -- to sell their daybagger intraday, locking out the position at a spiffy price.

But it doesn’t have to be a one-day increase; you can have a spiffy-pop across days, months, and even years. And stocks can spiffy-pop more than once. The only hard and fast rule is that your spiffy-pop isn’t official unless the price you’re basing it on was the closing price for the market day (no spiffy-pops allowed on morning highs or midday spikes).

Spiffy-pop vs. daybagger

Spiffy-pop versus daybagger

A lot of Motley Fool investing lingo comes about because the words we need simply don’t exist yet. There is a term for a stock that spiffy-pops: It’s a daybagger. That means its price has increased by more than your cost-adjusted investment in your shares.

When Netflix (NFLX 0.72%) is a daybagger, it spiffy-pops. Spiffy-pop is the verb that goes with daybagger. Rather than “daybaggering,” which sounds a little bit untoward, your stock spiffy-popped. It’s that simple -- no reason to make it any harder than it is. Spiffy-pop is the verb, daybagger is the noun.

Day Bagger

A stock or investment that yields profits within a single trading day, emphasizing short-term gains in the financial market.

Other types

Other types of spiffys

There’s a small constellation of related terms. These have been created from the need to better describe what’s happening with an investment within Motley Fool communities. A few terms you might run into are:

  • Spiffy-drop: A spiffy-drop is when your stock value drops in price more in a single day than you paid for it. It’s kind of the antithesis of things that are spiffy. Most of the time, this doesn’t happen until the stock has already seen large gains, so it’s still in a net positive position.
  • Spiffy multi-pop: You might also see this referred to as something like a “spiffy three-pop.” Spiffy multi-pops happen when your stock not only spiffy-pops but does so several times over. If your stock increases by three times its original value in a single day, that’s a spiffy three-pop. (Very spiffy.)
  • Forget-me-pop: The spiffy-pop train can’t ride on forever; at some point, those daybaggers are predictable and not that much fun anymore. That’s why David Gardner decided that after big number 13 on any given stock, it’s time to start looking for new spiffy-pops and stop counting the one that just keeps giving and giving. Number 13 is your forget-me-pop. (Of course, you can keep counting spiffy-pops. We’re not your mom.)
  • Supernova: This is a rare type of spiffy-pop involving any of the stocks most widely held by our Motley Fool Stock Advisor members. Generally, “widely held” means a stock is among the top 20 holdings in aggregate. When one of these stocks spiffy-pops, it brings the whole community up, and we honor it with the moniker of supernova.

Foolish lore & examples

Foolish lore and examples

The most frequent Motley Fool premium services spiffy-popper -- long ago now a "forget-me-pop" -- is Priceline, now known as Booking Holdings (BKNG -0.61%). Stock Advisor's May 21, 2004 selection has a cost basis of $23.71. With the stock more than a 50-bagger, Priceline's spiffy-pops long ago stopped counting. Another early classic spiffy-pop stock has been Motley Fool Rule Breaker Intuitive Surgical (ISRG 1.26%). For three straight years (2007-2009), Intuitive Surgical spiffy-popped the week of July 20th! The 2007 daybagger was July 20th, while in both 2008 and 2009 Intuitive Surgical spiffy-popped on July 23rd. Perhaps July 23rd should be relabeled Spiffy-Pop Day.

The Motley Fool premium services' original spiffy three-pop occurred with the acquisition of Marvel by Disney (DIS 1.63%), announced on August 31, 2009. The Stock Advisor scorecard went nuts, and one of David Gardner's best stock picks got gobbled up. (The investment with its outstanding returns continues, though, as Disney.) Another key Motley Fool spiffy-pop was achieved by Motley Fool Rule Breakers with Tim Beyers's pick of Salesforce (CRM -1.35%), the second time Salesforce became a daybagger for The Motley Fool. This came soon after a very notable spiffy-pop for Amazon (AMZN -0.01%). That stock was first recommended by David Gardner for Stock Advisor at $15.98 on September 6, 2002. What made this spiffy even sweeter is that David's original cost basis on Amazon was actually much lower -- $3.21 in September 1997. Thus, Amazon's gain of $55.11 on April 24, 2015 was not only a spiffy three-pop for Stock Advisor members, but the first-ever spiffy deca-pop for those who've been with David and Amazon from the beginning. Every Motley Fool spiffy multi-pop is to be cherished of course. Only those Fools who have truly drank from this cup can appreciate the alluring and -- to most of the world -- mysterious flavor. The Motley Fool continues to work its hardest to "share the taste of spiffy" with as many people as possible in pursuit of our mission to help the world invest better.

History of TMF spiffy-pops

History of TMF spiffy-pops

This is an incomplete list of spiffy-pops achieved by Motley Fool premium services for members who've bought and held winners with us.

We stopped counting spiffy-pops in 2022 because they simply became too many -- the point has been made!

Spiffy-pops achieved by TMF premium services, 2007-2022.
Date TMF Premium Service Stock
11/10/22 Stock Advisor Sherwin-Williams
11/10/22 Stock Advisor Cintas
11/4/22 Rule Breakers Monster Beverage
11/4/22 Rule Breakers Insulet Corporation
10/21/22 Stock Advisor UnitedHealth Group
10/21/22 Stock Advisor Boston Beer
9/15/22 Stock Advisor UnitedHealth Group
8/4/22 Rule Breakers Alnylam Pharmaceuticals
7/19/22 Stock Advisor UnitedHealth Group
7/15/22 Stock Advisor UnitedHealth Group
7/5/22 Rule Breakers Mongo DB
6/21/22 Stock Advisor UnitedHealth Group
6/2/22 Stock Advisor Costco
6/2/22 Rule Breakers Mongo DB
5/13/22 Stock Advisor The Trade Desk
4/26/22 Stock Advisor Sherwin-Williams
4/6/22 Stock Advisor UnitedHealth Group
3/9/22 Stock Advisor Match Group
3/9/22 Rule Breakers Mongo DB
3/9/22 Rule Breakers Chipotle
2/24/22 Stock Advisor Adobe
2/24/22 Stock Advisor The Trade Desk
2/16/22 Stock Advisor The Trade Desk
2/9/22 Rule Breakers Chipotle Mexican Grill
2/9/22 Stock Advisor The Trade Desk
1/31/22 Stock Advisor The Trade Desk
1/31/22 Rule Breakers Chipotle Mexican Grill
1/11/22 Stock Advisor Illumina
12/21/21 Rule Breakers Atlassian
12/21/21 Rule Breakers MongoDB
12/15/21 Stock Advisor UnitedHeath Group
12/15/21 Stock Advisor Apple
12/10/21 Stock Advisor Costco
12/7/21 Stock Advisor Apple
12/7/21 Rule Breakers MongoDB
12/7/21 Rule Breakers Chipotle Mexican Grill
11/19/21 Stock Advisor Intuit
11/16/21 Rule Breakers Etsy
11/9/21 Stock Advisor The Trade Desk
11/8/21 Stock Advisor The Trade Desk
11/4/21 Rule Breakers Etsy
11/2/21 Rule Breakers Arista Networks, Inc.
11/2/21 Rule Breakers IPG Photonics
10/29/21 Rule Breakers Atlassian
10/27/21 Stock Advisor Silicon Laboratories
10/21/21 Stock Advisor Match Group
10/14/21 Stock Advisor UnitedHealth Group
10/12/21 Rule Breakers HubSpot
9/22/21 Stock Advisor The Trade Desk
9/22/21 Rule Breakers The Trade Desk
9/9/21 Rule Breakers Lululemon
8/5/21 Rule Breakers HubSpot
8/3/21 Stock Advisor UnitedHeath Group
8/3/21 Stock Advisor Gartner, Inc.
8/3/21 Stock Advisor Tractor Supply Company
8/3/21 Stock Advisor Old Dominion Freight Line
8/3/21 Stock Advisor CarMax
8/3/21 Stock Advisor Idexx Laboratories, Inc.
8/3/21 Stock Advisor Gilead Sciences, Inc.
8/3/21 Stock Advisor Apple
8/3/21 Rule Breakers Middleby Corp.
8/3/21 Rule Breakers Gartner, Inc.
7/26/21 Stock Advisor Hasbro
7/26/21 Rule Breakers MicroStrategy
7/23/21 Stock Advisor The Trade Desk
7/23/21 Rule Breakers The Trade Desk
6/25/21 Stock Advisor Nike
6/24/21 Stock Advisor The Trade Desk
6/24/21 Rule Breakers The Trade Desk
6/10/21 Stock Advisor Restoration Hardware
6/4/21 Rule Breakers MongoDB
5/14/21 Rule Breakers Trex Company
4/15/21 Stock Advisor UnitedHealth Group
4/13/21 Rule Breakers Novocure
3/26/21 Stock Advisor Boston Beer
3/5/21 Stock Advisor UnitedHealth Group
3/1/21 Stock Advisor Boston Beer
3/1/21 Stock Advisor Apple
2/12/21 Stock Advisor Illumina
2/10/21 Stock Advisor Match Group
2/2/21 Stock Advisor Boston Beer
1/28/21 Stock Advisor Match Group
1/26/21 Stock Advisor Appian
1/19/21 Rule Breakers Etsy
1/19/21 Rule Breakers IPG Photonics
1/7/21 Rule Breakers Trex Company
12/22/20 Rule Breakers The Trade Desk
12/17/20 Rule Breakers MongoDB
12/15/20 Stock Advisor Apple
12/10/20 Rule Breakers MongoDB
11/27/20 Rule Breakers Etsy
11/25/20 Stock Advisor Appian
11/17/20 Rule Breaker The Trade Desk
11/11/20 Rule Breaker The Trade Desk
11/9/20 Stock Advisor Cintas
11/9/20 Rule Breaker Planet Fitness
11/6/20 Stock Advisor The Trade Desk
11/6/20 Rule Breaker The Trade Desk
11/4/20 Stock Advisor UnitedHealth Group
11/4/20 Stock Advisor Adobe
11/4/20 Rule Breaker Chipotle Mexican Grill
11/4/20 Rule Breaker Trex Company
11/4/20 Rule Breaker The Trade Desk
10/23/20 Rule Breaker EXACT Sciences Corporation (Genomic Health below)
10/23/20 Stock Advisor Boston Beer
10/22/20 Rule Breakers Align Technology, Inc.
10/12/20 Stock Advisor Apple
10/6/20 Rule Breakers Alteryx
10/2/20 Rule Breakers Twilio
9/1/20 Stock Advisor Zoom Video Communications, Inc.
9/1/20 Stock Advisor Apple
8/26/20 Stock Advisor Adobe
8/21/20 Stock Advisor Apple
8/19/20 Rule Breakers Momenta Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
8/5/20 Rule Breakers LivePerson, Inc.
7/31/20 Stock Advisor Apple
7/24/20 Stock Advisor Boston Beer
7/6/20 Rule Breakers Chipotle Mexican Grill
5/3/20 Rule Breakers The Trade Desk
5/18/20 Rule Breakers Trex Company
5/14/20 Stock Advisor Cintas
5/11/20 Stock Advisor Shopify
5/7/20 Rule Breakers Twilio
5/6/20 Stock Advisor Shopify
5/6/20 Rule Breakers LivePerson, Inc.
5/5/20 Rule Breakers Trex Company
5/5/20 Rule Breakers IPG Photonics
5/4/20 Stock Advisor Shopify
5/4/20 Rule Breakers Trex Company
4/29/20 Rule Breakers The Trade Desk
4/22/20 Stock Advisor Shopify
4/22/20 Rule Breakers Chipotle Mexican Grill
4/20/20 Stock Advisor Shopify
4/17/20 Stock Advisor Shopify
4/14/20 Stock Advisor Shopify
4/14/20 Rule Breakers Shopify
4/13/20 Rule Breakers Shopify
4/8/20 Stock Advisor Shopify
4/8/20 Rule Breakers Trex Company
4/8/20 Rule Breakers Shopify
4/6/20 Stock Advisor Shopify
4/6/20 Stock Advisor Apple
4/6/20 Rule Breakers Chipotle Mexican Grill
4/6/20 Rule Breakers Shopify
3/25/20 Stock Advisor Tesla
3/25/20 Stock Advisor Cintas
3/24/20 Stock Advisor Tesla
3/24/20 Stock Advisor Shopify
3/24/20 Stock Advisor Hasbro
3/24/20 Stock Advisor Apple
3/24/20 Rule Breakers Trex Company
3/24/20 Rule Breakers Vertex Pharmaceuticals
3/24/20 Rule Breakers Chipotle Mexican Grill
3/24/20 Rule Breakers Copart, Inc.
3/24/20 Rule Breakers Shopify
3/23/20 Rule Breakers Shopify
3/19/20 Stock Advisor TransDigm Group
3/19/20 Rule Breakers Vertex Pharmaceuticals
3/19/20 Rule Breakers Trex Company
3/19/20 Rule Breakers Chipotle Mexican Grill
3/17/20 Stock Advisor Cognex Corporation
3/17/20 Rule Breakers Vertex Pharmaceuticals
3/17/20 Rule Breakers Salesforce.com
3/17/20 Rule Breakers IPG Photonics
3/17/20 Rule Breakers Shopify
3/17/20 Stock Advisor Shopify
3/13/20 Rule Breakers Vertex Pharmaceuticals
3/13/20 Stock Advisor Adobe
3/13/20 Stock Advisor Apple
3/13/20 Rule Breakers Salesforce.com
3/10/20 Rule Breakers Shopify
3/10/20 Stock Advisor Tesla
3/10/20 Rule Breakers Tesla
3/10/20 Rule Breakers Vertex Pharmaceuticals
3/10/20 Rule Breakers Salesforce.com
3/4/20 Stock Advisor UnitedHealth Group
3/4/20 Rule Breakers Vertex Pharmaceuticals
3/4/20 Stock Advisor Shopify
3/4/20 Rule Breakers Shopify
3/2/20 Stock Advisor Apple
3/2/20 Stock Advisor Tesla
3/2/20 Rule Breakers Tesla
3/2/20 Rule Breakers Trex Company
3/2/20 Rule Breakers Shopify
2/28/20 Rule Breakers The Trade Desk
2/28/20 Rule Breakers Shopify
2/19/20 Stock Advisor Tesla
2/19/20 Rule Breakers Tesla
2/18/20 Stock Advisor Tesla
2/18/20 Rule Breakers Tesla
2/13/20 Stock Advisor Tesla
2/13/20 Rule Breakers Tesla
2/12/20 Stock Advisor Shopify
2/12/20 Rule Breakers Shopify
2/4/20 Stock Advisor Tesla
2/4/20 Rule Breakers Tesla
2/3/20 Stock Advisor Tesla
2/3/20 Rule Breakers Tesla
1/30/20 Stock Advisor Tesla
1/30/20 Rule Breakers Tesla
1/21/20 Rule Breakers Tesla
1/21/20 Stock Advisor Tesla
1/6/20 Rule Breakers Salesforce.com
11/12/19 Rule Breakers Ubiquiti
8/7/19 Stock Advisor Match Group
8/1/19 Rule Breakers Shopify
8/1/19 Rule Breakers Vertex Pharmaceuticals
7/30/19 Rule Breakers Trex Company
7/23/19 Stock Advisor Hasbro
7/17/19 Stock Advisor Cintas
6/10/19 Rule Breakers Universal Display Corporation
6/6/19 Rule Breakers Universal Display Corporation
6/5/19 Rule Breakers Salesforce.com
5/3/19 Rule Breakers Universal Display Corporation
4/23/19 Stock Advisor Hasbro
2/22/19 Rule Breakers Universal Display Corporation
2/22/19 Stock Advisor The Trade Desk
2/22/19 Rule Breakers The Trade Desk
1/9/19 Rule Breakers NetEase (ADR)
12/26/18 Rule Breakers Salesforce.com
11/28/18 Rule Breakers Salesforce.com
11/15/18 Rule Breakers NetEase (ADR)
11/7/18 Rule Breakers Genomic Health
11/7/18 Rule Breakers Salesforce.com
11/1/18 Rule Breakers NetEase (ADR)
10/31/18 Rule Breakers Universal Display Corporation
10/25/18 Rule Breakers Salesforce.com
10/23/18 Stock Advisor Tesla
10/23/18 Rule Breakers Tesla
10/12/18 Rule Breakers Salesforce.com
10/1/18 Stock Advisor Tesla
10/1/18 Rule Breakers Tesla
8/10/18 Rule Breakers The Trade Desk
8/10/18 Rule Breakers Universal Display Corporation
8/7/18 Rule Breakers Tesla
8/2/18 Rule Breakers Tesla
8/2/18 Supernova Odyssey 1 Tesla
7/31/18 Stock Advisor Cognex Corporation
7/31/18 Rule Breakers Trex Company
7/23/18 Stock Advisor Hasbro
7/12/18 Rule Breakers Intuitive Surgical
6/29/18 Rule Breakers Vertex Pharmaceuticals
6/1/18 Rule Breakers Intuitive Surgical
5/4/18 Rule Breakers Universal Display Corporation
5/1/18 Rule Breakers IPG Photonics
4/26/18 Rule Breakers Chipotle Mexican Grill
4/18/18 Rule Breakers Intuitive Surgical
4/17/18 Supernova Odyssey 1 Netflix
4/17/18 Supernova Phoenix 1 Netflix
4/17/18 Rule Breakers Intuitive Surgical
3/29/18 Supernova Phoenix 1 Netflix
3/26/18 Rule Breakers Intuitive Surgical
3/09/18 Rule Breakers MercadoLibre
3/06/18 Rule Breakers MercadoLibre
2/23/18 Rule Breakers MercadoLibre
2/20/18 Pro AU Altium
2/14/18 Rule Breakers Universal Display Corporation
2/12/18 Rule Breakers MercadoLibre
2/9/18 Stock Advisor Nvidia
2/6/18 Stock Advisor Nvidia
1/26/18 Stock Advisor Nvidia
1/26/18 Rule Breakers MercadoLibre
1/24/18 Supernova Phoenix 1 Netflix
1/24/18 Supernova Odyssey 1 Netflix
1/23/18 Supernova Phoenix 1 Netflix
1/23/18 Supernova Odyssey 1 Netflix
1/10/18 Rule Breakers Intuitive Surgical
1/8/18 Rule Breakers IPG Photonics
1/8/18 Rule Breakers Universal Display Corporation
1/8/18 Stock Advisor Nvidia
1/3/18 Stock Advisor Nvidia
12/13/17 Rule Breakers MercadoLibre
12/13/17 Rule Breakers NetEase Inc (ADR)
12/11/17 Rule Breakers NetEase Inc (ADR)
11/17/17 Rule Breakers NetEase Inc (ADR)
11/16/17 Rule Breakers NetEase Inc (ADR)
11/10/17 Stock Advisor Nvidia
11/6/17 Rule Breakers NetEase Inc (ADR)
11/3/17 Rule Breakers Universal Display Corporation
11/3/17 Rule Breakers MercadoLibre
10/31/17 Rule Breakers Trex Company
10/6/17 Rule Breakers Intuitive Surgical
9/15/17 Stock Advisor Nvidia
9/11/17 Rule Breakers MercadoLibre
9/7/17 Stock Advisor Activision Blizzard
8/30/17 Stock Advisor Activision Blizzard
8/30/17 Rule Breakers Universal Display Corporation
8/22/17 Stock Advisor Activision Blizzard
8/7/17 Rule Breakers NxStage Medical, Inc.
8/3/17 Stock Advisor Activision Blizzard
8/1/17 Million Dollar Portfolio IPG Photonics
7/19/17 Rule Breakers Vertex Pharmaceuticals
7/18/17 Supernova Phoenix 1 Netflix
7/18/17 Supernova Odyssey 1 Netflix
7/12/17 Stock Advisor Activision Blizzard
7/12/17 Stock Advisor Nvidia
7/10/17 Stock Advisor Nvidia
6/8/17 Stock Advisor Nvidia
6/7/17 Rule Breakers NetEase Inc (ADR)
5/15/17 Rule Breakers NetEase Inc (ADR)
5/10/17 Stock Advisor Nvidia
5/5/17 Rule Breakers Universal Display Corporation
5/5/17 Rule Breakers MercadoLibre
4/19/17 Rule Breakers Intuitive Surgical
4/4/17 Inside Value General Communication, Inc.
3/29/17 Rule Breakers Vertex Pharmaceuticals
3/1/17 Stock Advisor Activision Blizzard
2/24/17 Rule Breakers Universal Display Corporation
2/16/17 Rule Breakers NetEase Inc (ADR)
2/11/17 Stock Advisor Activision Blizzard
2/6/17 Stock Advisor Hasbro
12/27/16 Stock Advisor Nvidia
11/11/16 Stock Advisor Nvidia
10/18/16 Supernova Phoenix 1 Netflix
10/18/16 Supernova Odyssey 1 Netflix
9/12/16 Rule Breakers NetEase Inc (ADR)
8/5/16 Rule Breakers MercadoLibre
5/6/16 Stock Advisor Activision Blizzard
2/25/16 Rule Breakers Salesforce.com
2/16/16 Rule Breakers NetEase Inc (ADR)
1/28/16 Rule Breakers Under Armour
1/6/16 Supernova Phoenix 1 Netflix
12/7/15 Rule Breakers Keurig Green Mountain
9/16/15 Rule Breakers Baidu
9/2/15 Stock Advisor Walt Disney
8/27/15 Stock Advisor Walt Disney
8/27/15 Rule Breakers Baidu
8/26/15 Stock Advisor Walt Disney
8/5/15 Stock Advisor Activision Blizzard
7/24/15 Stock Advisor Amazon.com
7/16/15 Supernova Phoenix 1 Netflix
7/16/15 Supernova Odyssey 1 Netflix
4/29/15 Rule Breakers Salesforce.com
4/24/15 Stock Advisor Amazon.com
4/16/15 Supernova Phoenix 1 Netflix
4/16/15 Supernova Odyssey 1 Netflix
4/8/15 Rule Breakers Baidu
3/30/15 Rule Breakers Catamaran
3/12/15 Stock Advisor Walt Disney
2/26/15 Rule Breakers Salesforce.com
2/4/15 Stock Advisor Walt Disney
2/3/15 Stock Advisor Walt Disney
1/30/15 Stock Advisor Amazon.com
1/16/15 Stock Advisor Activision Blizzard
11/10/14 Rule Breakers Baidu
10/31/14 Rule Breakers MercadoLibre
10/30/14 Rule Breakers Catamaran
10/30/14 Rule Breakers Baidu
10/28/14 Rule Breakers Baidu
10/21/14 Stock Advisor Walt Disney
10/17/14 Stock Advisor Walt Disney
9/18/14 Rule Breakers Baidu
9/2/14 Rule Breakers Baidu
8/22/14 Rule Breakers Keurig Green Mountain
8/15/14 Rule Breakers Monster Beverage
7/25/14 Rule Breakers Baidu
7/23/14 Rule Breakers Intuitive Surgical
7/22/14 Rule Breakers Chipotle Mexican Grill
7/11/14 Stock Advisor Amazon.com
6/24/14 Rule Breakers Vertex Pharmaceuticals
6/13/14 Rule Breakers OpenTable
6/6/14 Rule Breakers Keurig Green Mountain
6/5/14 Stock Advisor Amazon.com
5/8/14 Rule Breakers Keurig Green Mountain
5/7/14 Stock Advisor Activision Blizzard
3/4/14 Stock Advisor Walt Disney
2/25/14 Supernova Odyssey 1 Tesla Motors
2/7/14 Stock Advisor Activision Blizzard
2/6/14 Rule Breakers Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
2/6/14 Stock Advisor Walt Disney
1/30/14 Stock Advisor Amazon.com
10/25/13 Stock Advisor Amazon.com
10/18/13 Rule Breakers Chipotle Mexican Grill
10/10/13 Stock Advisor Walt Disney
9/25/13 Rule Breakers MAKO Surgical
7/26/13 Stock Advisor Activision Blizzard
7/25/13 Rule Breakers Baidu
6/17/13 Stock Advisor Netflix
5/7/13 Rule Breakers MercadoLibre
4/23/13 Stock Advisor Netflix
4/19/13 Rule Breakers Vertex Pharmaceuticals
1/25/13 Stock Advisor Netflix
1/24/13 Stock Advisor Netflix
1/23/13 Rule Breakers Intuitive Surgical
10/26/12 Stock Advisor Amazon.com
7/27/12 Stock Advisor Amazon.com
5/7/12 Rule Breakers Vertex Pharmaceuticals
4/27/12 Stock Advisor Amazon.com
2/2/12 Rule Breakers Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
1/26/12 Stock Advisor Netflix
11/11/11 Stock Advisor Walt Disney
11/8/11 Stock Advisor Booking Holdings
11/3/11 Rule Breakers MercadoLibre
10/27/11 Stock Advisor Booking Holdings
10/24/11 Stock Advisor Booking Holdings
10/6/11 Stock Advisor Booking Holdings
8/23/11 Rule Breakers Baidu
8/23/11 Stock Advisor Amazon.com
8/23/11 Rule Breakers Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
8/23/11 Stock Advisor Booking Holdings
8/23/11 Stock Advisor Netflix
8/5/11 Stock Advisor Booking Holdings
7/27/11 Rule Breakers Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
7/5/11 Stock Advisor Netflix
6/21/11 Stock Advisor Booking Holdings
3/15/11 Stock Advisor Netflix
3/10/11 Rule Breakers Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
2/24/11 Stock Advisor Booking Holdings
2/14/11 Stock Advisor Netflix
2/10/11 Million Dollar Portfolio IPG Photonics
2/9/11 Stock Advisor Walt Disney
2/1/11 Rule Breakers Baidu
1/27/11 Stock Advisor Netflix
1/5/11 Stock Advisor Booking Holdings
11/22/10 Stock Advisor Netflix
11/9/10 Stock Advisor Booking Holdings
10/21/10 Stock Advisor Netflix
08/04/10 Stock Advisor Booking Holdings
05/10/10 Stock Advisor Booking Holdings
4/29/10 Rule Breakers Baidu
4/22/10 Stock Advisor Netflix
11/18/09 Global Gains China Green Agriculture
11/10/09 Stock Advisor Booking Holdings
10/23/09 Stock Advisor Amazon.com
8/31/09 Stock Advisor Marvel
7/23/09 Rule Breakers Intuitive Surgical
7/23/08 Rule Breakers Intuitive Surgical
7/25/07 Stock Advisor Amazon.com
7/20/07 Rule Breakers Intuitive Surgical
5/18/07 Rule Breakers aQuantive
John Mackey, former CEO of Whole Foods Market, an Amazon subsidiary, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Kristi Waterworth has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Amazon, Booking Holdings, Intuitive Surgical, Microsoft, Netflix, Salesforce, and Walt Disney. The Motley Fool recommends the following options: long January 2026 $395 calls on Microsoft and short January 2026 $405 calls on Microsoft. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.